Wednesday, April 22, 2015


“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.”

So lighthouses stay bright for all of the boats for safety. Then what is your light that you have for safety?  I don't know about you all, but I use God as my light for safety. I don't know why
anyone would ever want to deny God, I guess because if you can't really touch, see or feel him then its hard to believe in him. But if you sit back and look at life a little differently you will start to see the gifts that we are given by God every day. Such as butterflies, sunrises, sunsets, the moon, flowers blooming, wind to fly kites and puppies and kittens. I know I am not going to give up on God as long as he doesn't give up on me.

My health issues keep debilitating me more and more everyday, so every morning my dogs Sadie, Maggie and my kitty Ella and I look an watch the sunrise and it is so beautiful at times.

So keep looking towards the Lighthouses in your life and smile, because these are our gifts.

I not only have Gastroparesis, I have Fibromyalgia, COPD, and a J/G tube. Are these my gifts from God, most likely not, although he uses these kinds of issues to help us build up a stronger faith to carry each of us through out life. Do we all get worn down from all of these trials and tribulations? Yes, but how you look at life makes a difference. Don't get me wrong I have many days where I am just beat up and can't look at things better, but then days, like the birds singing and great music help me to feel somewhat better.

So lets all try to be a "Lighthouse" for someone today and be kind because thats all this world needs is kindness.

Keep Smiling


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