"There is no escape from the prison of the mind!!!"
I really don't know if I can relate to this quote. But let me tell you this much, with being Bipolar, menopausal and multiple other health issues I do believe that my mind controls all parts of my body and health. Therefore I know that I need to work better towards making my mind more open to many different things in my life and just letting things go as they happen, and whatever happens just simply does.
I do think that a lot of people can relate to this quote a lot. My son has battled Bipolar and Schizophrenia for years and he has told me so many different times that his mind is like a prison to him. With the schizophrenia he has voices inside of his mind and they can be either nice or mean. This can lead a person to some real mania at times. I've been with him thru almost all of his horrible episodes and it is scary and troubling. But he is the most loving, kind and gentle spirit you'd ever want to know.
With my chronic illnesses, my mind can really make me feel like I am living in a prison of sheer madness. Your mind can help control different facets of your body to a degree. However there are so many times that my body just simply does what the body wishes to do. So I work hard every single day of my life to live as full of a life as I can, simply because we never know what the next day is going to bring.
I have been in the throws of a horrible flare up for the last 3 weeks with my Gastroparesis and when this happens it affects my Bipolar and makes me become extremely emotional, upset, and just simply exhausted. I have slept almost as much as I can when I am not at work. This makes it hard on my husband because it makes our marriage suffer. But yet we married knowing and going into our marriage that I was chronically ill and now he has been going thru a rough time with a auto accident that has left him with some residual physical effects.
So how do we unlock this prison in our minds so we can all lead productive lives? I wish I really knew that answer. And to be honest I don't think anyone really knows this answer. Of course there are so many different people out there that claims they have the magic cure to weight loss, physical well being, exercise, sleep (insomnia) cure, chiropractic cures, and so on and so on... But do they all really know what the magic cure is? Most likely not...
We are all very different and very unique individuals. We are not all robots and have the same bodies where all of these great fixes out there are going to make us better instantly. Nothing is instant in this world. The only instant thing we have is ourselves. We ourselves where born into this world and taught that life is just that, life.
So we all must hold on and try to escape the prison of our minds, so that we can lead a normal (or I supposed normal is just a setting on the dryer), so there is no normal, but there is a life to be lead by each and every one of us. And our lives are our own stories. So what is your story? What does your life represent? How do you want your tombstone to read once you pass on? I for one don't really want a tombstone but I supposed my children/family will place one for me and I am not really sure what it will say? I just hope my children will be nice.
So yes, there is really no escape from the prison of our mind. And we can not look to others to fix our minds. Only we can do that. So the next time you see that advertisement for the best cure to loose weight, or to help fix your aching bones, etc...stop and think do all of these things really work and are they really going to fix me or just take my money?
I have recently stopped reposting, liking, sharing everything on facebook that says if you don't you will have bad luck for the rest of your life, or this person will die, or you will get a million dollars if you do. These are all tricks to your mind and people seem to fall for every thing they read on social media. And if we all believed everything we read on social media, I would already be a millionaire, I would have a flat tummy, I would be living in my dream cottage on a remote island somewhere and all of the worlds health problems would be gone. (This would all be nice - for sure) but I don't have the magic cure and neither does social media. But social media is a great resource to meet, and find old friends and family. I love social media for those purposes. But social media has not cured the prison of my mind, or my body and I am still suffering from all of my chronic illnesses.
I guess what I am trying to say is that our minds are a wonderful & powerful part of our own well being. And I strive everyday to channel a good mindset so I can function every single day of my life. I continue to work every day even tho I am dealing with some horrific chronic illnesses and I use my mind set to be able to continue to do so until my body just simply poops out. So I don't think we will every escape the prison of our minds, all we can do is channel our minds to become loving, caring, beautiful, dependable, God thriving and so on individuals.
Keep Smiling
P.S. I do love to watch people I know and their kids grow up on social media. Its the best method to really be involved with people who live away from you. So I am not bashing social media at all.
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