"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough!!!!"
I know many of you are not all into reading about religion on here, so this is my disclaimer, I am going to bring up a few issues.
This quote is so extremely true. We all only live once, but what if we don't do it right? Who know's what the right way is?
It has been heard that even the healthiest person will die from a heart attack. Or the youngest person will get cancer. Or the middle aged person will get a bad GI illness. So we are all just human in a human physical form made by God. Some people are very fortunate and can live a long time and others aren't. But like I said only God know's. A lot of people like to say you are being punished for your illness because you didn't do something right in this life. But that is not the case.
I know that us chronically ill people live our lives daily trying to keep going. Some are luckier than other's. But I do believe it all boils down on our sheer determination and strong faith.
So is once enough? Only you know if your life if you do it the way you are supposed to that once is enough.
I know personally a bunch of very good people who are questioning things that all boils down on is it them or is it something else. I don't know the real answer. But God brings things into your life for a reason and a season. We are all different and unique in our own ways as we trudge thru this things called life. Some of us choose our ways of life that others may not agree with. But that's ok. WE are not the judge. WE will be judged when we reach Jesus in heaven and hopefully you will have hit your knees in prayer and asking for forgiveness of your sins during your life so that you may sit on the right hand side of God for eternity. If not well, we all know how that ends.
But if you only live once, and you do it right, once is enough!!! Who know's that real answer? No one. So many will say they do, but well they don't. Or at least I hope there is no bigger person dangling my body throughout this world. Because I don't like all that has happened to me during this life. But if you only live once, do it right your way, and once is enough. I have definitely done that and plan on doing way much more. I have just had to reinvent my way of looking at things and learning how to enjoy things differently because of my chronic illness.
I can give my thought's on this, but we all know that each of us has our own free will and we will all decide living this life once, if done the way we want, is enough.
I am just riding out this wave because we are NOT all going to get out of here alive.
Keep Smiling
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