"When someone tells me NO , it doesn't mean I can't do it, it simply means I can't do it with them..."
Do you remember when you were little and most of your memories consist of the work "NO"? Or can you remember back to when you were the parent and you have so many memories of telling your kids "NO", but a lot of times they defied you and did whatever "IT" was that they wanted to do? I have a lot of these memories from my childhood and also from the times I raised my kids.
I don't know what your individual life was like in any of your era's, but I know that we have all experienced so many of these "No's" in our lives and most likely receive a lot of "No's" in our futures. But does that really mean we can't do what ever it is that we so yearn to do?
I like to think we are not all confined to what ever it is that handicap us. I have many different chronic illnesses and unfortunately these illnesses can place a sharp curve on my daily life. Why must we each go through these rough illnesses in our lives? You guess is as good as mine? I like to think that we all have a happy ending in our future, but for some of us our future is going to be slightly different than others. Of course our futures are going to be different for all of us no matter what our bodily functions will be. I like to hope that my bodily functions won't be completely gone so I can at least enjoy what remains of my life.
With all of the multiple issues I am dealing with I am very aware of the fact that my life has been greatly shortened. Of course only God knows when my number will be called and either the great Angels will come down to get me and take me to heaven or the Grim Reaper will come up and take me to Hell. Either way I have a laundry list of questions for God or whom ever that I want answers to. What's so sad is that I had Gastric Bypass back in 2011 to be a healthier me and be around for many years to torture my kids until I would be at least the ripe old age of at least 100. So sadly I won't live to be 100 so I plan on starting today or tomorrow at torturing my kids, my family, my friends and so on with the greatest torture I can give and that will be with "LOVE"...
I don't know about you but I have a "bucket list" and I really don't want anyone to tell me "NO" to any of the items on my list. I do really think that each of us looks towards some kind of future that will include so many different things to experience. And I pray that my husband, my kids, family, friends etc will be by my side to encourage me, push me, pray with me, and enjoy with me everything that I want to do. And trust me my "bucket list" of things I wish to do, have changed a lot due to my unfortunate chronic illnesses I deal with daily.
So I don't care how old your are, how sick you are, how poor you are. Make a "Bucket List" and strive for even the simplest things such as (reuniting with family, drinking that root beer float, ride a Harley, fly in a hot air balloon, or be on America's Ninja Warrior, what ever your heart desires. Just simply start out small and work towards the big things but never ever let anyone tell you "NO", because you can do it. I have accomplished many things and I am working on accomplishing a lot more in my so called short future.
Keep Smiling
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