“No one is perfect... that's why pencils have erasers.”
I really like this quote. I am certainly NOT perfect, so an eraser has came in so very handy for me at different times in my life.
I wish I could use this pencil eraser right now to help erase all of the physical pain that I am feeling and to be able to help others in pain. I read alot about other people on my facebook, my inspire website who hurt daily due to multiple health issues. And I just sometimes really struggle with why God chooses so many good people to battle with daily chronic health issues. However I think it is a way for God to make his shepherds stronger on earth and it prepares us for what is to come. (What ever that may be)...
I do like the concept of a eraser. Could we somehow use this eraser when it comes to our own lives?
There are so many areas of my life I wish I could go back and erase and start over. I am sure everyone feels this way in some sort of way. I would love to erase alot of different things in my past.
My life was never an easy one so erasing certain painful memories would be nice. But you know I understand that my past has molded me into who I am today. And I would never ever want to erase my 3 kids out of my life. They are my everything.
I don't have many regrets (well maybe some), but the regrets are only going to tie you down to a life of wishing when we need to focus our life on what's ahead. I have chosen to try to leave my past in my past. It does have a way of creeping up on me, but I then in turn push it back into my past.
I am truly blessed with so many different things, people, etc in my life. And for these blessings I thank God everyday. I also talk to God everyday about why I have so many different chronic health issues and why me? But I think he has chosen me to help reach out and help others thru their enduring process of health issues. (Simply because I have been there and I have conquered some rough times and yet I have so many trials and tribulations ahead of me)... But I choose to forge ahead with my husband, my family and my God by my side.
So how would you like to erase things from your past, present of future?
I would certainly love to erase things such as: Walmart (there really is no need to be exposed to people in their pajamas and slippers to get the cheapest items they can get) sorry if you love Walmart,
animal abusers, children abusers, the auto lights that come on your car's dashboard, flat tires, grocery shopping (you think they could come up with a much better than, than having to go thru the store pick up food, take home, put away and some of it becomes a science experiment because you forgot you bought it and it is in the back of the fridge, morning alarm clocks, lack of siestas in america, push 2 for frikkin english, and so I am sure I can come up with so many more pet peeves. But you know these pet peeves is what makes the world go around.
I think if I could really use an eraser for the good it would be to erase, chronic & or terminally ill diseases. Boy wouldn't that be wonderful. (Except I have meet some wonderful people from my chronic illness).
I really need an eraser today trying to type up this blog, I can not type today... so here's to a large ERASER for everyone's life. Just don't erase the good parts..
Keep Smiling
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