“I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much.”
This quote really resonates with me.
I am always saying "enough is enough God, I can't handle anything more"...
But it just seems that God assumes that I am a stronger person than I wish to accept. But as I look back on my life from birth until now, I am a very head strong, strong willed, stubborn person. Yet I love unconditionally and I give my all with nothing left for me to have. But that is who I am and how I am.
I feel that God has given me many gifts to share, so I work daily to offer my gifts. It's just so hard when God throws so many trials & tribulations towards me to handle. That is when my buckets I keep carrying on my shoulders seem to get heavier and heavier until I break down. But what we all must do daily is take on these tests from God and let him carry those buckets so we don't get so distraught or heavy burdened.
Have you ever experienced this quote? How have you managed in your life to handle all of which God expects you to do and to trust?
Trust is the hardest thing I have had to learn to deal with. Is it easy "NO" in fact it gets even harder especially when we all deal with some kind of health issues, money issues, family issues, work issues, and so on and so on.... But we must learn to follow our gut instincts and our hearts, because sometimes we tend to over analyze everything and then we push away what is truly the best thing for us because our heads are wicked and but our hearts are open (if we allow our heart to be open)...
So some self protection takes place among all of us in some sort of way. But are you too self protective? That when God does give us us a task to handle that we tend to shy away from these tasks or trials and tribulations. I decided a long time ago that if and when God does hand me these tasks that I should face them head on. It certainly isn't easy, but I do it. I have just had to learn to let God control it all.
I do realize that when you are Chronically ill, that life just seems to get sucked out of you. I completely understand this feeling. I face a struggle each and every day to stay awake, to not vomit, to exercise, and so on. But I have just been telling myself that God must have a plan for my wickedly bad health. I just wish I knew the full answer.
So how does one learn to trust? In my instances, I have just followed what my gut instincts say and I am usually 99% right.
So sit back take a moment and look at what God gives you to handle, and understand that he knows he can trust you. All you have to do is learn to trust yourself and then trust others. Because we were all made in God's eyes.
Keep Smiling
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