Thursday, May 14, 2015

Broken Pieces

Quote:   "Man is broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is the glue!"

This is something that is hitting home with me right now. I am most certainly broken and I really don't know how I am going to mend it all. I keep looking up to God and praising him and thanking him every day for the blessing I have in my life. I just really need God to be my glue and to help me get through.

I am simply just not strong enough anymore, I am a emotional, physical, mentally & spiritually a train wreck. And I am simply waiting for everything to crash around me.

It seems like just when I think I have it all together I find out there is a frikkin basement and therefore I hit rock bottom again. (I have been at rock bottom for way to long).

I just don't know how somebody you love and trust could hurt you. Why do they tell you all the time that they love you, but then hurt you.

Lying and being decietful is just not acceptable.

I went through so much pain for the last 7 years and with my health deteriorating I am just becoming a pile of crumbled rocks and I really don't know how to get back up. So being positive for me it completely gone now.

All I keep asking for is someone to help me, love me, be my companion, be my friend, and just over all be honest with me. Why is it that God doesn't bring that person around? Unless he already did and I let him slip out of my hands.

So mending the broken pieces by using God as the glue is really the best way to go.

Keep Smiling




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