Friday, May 29, 2015


"Rejoice with those we are rejoicing, mourn with those who are mourning"  Roman 12:15 NIV

We lost our Mom on May 24th she went to be with our Daddy in heaven and is now our 2nd Angel.

How does one look at loosing a loved one and Rejoice? If you truly believe in God, and that there is a wonderful heaven as described in the Bible then you know you should Rejoice the loss of a loved one for they are in heaven.

But we as humans do need to mourn, and that process takes some time. Especially when you loose your parents. Our Dad has only been deceased for 15 months and now our Mom.

But as God has stated with those who keep their covenant and obey and ask for forgivness and have all of your sins washed away, then you will experience a heavenly ever after with God.

If I had to choose; I would choose death and be victorius and go to heaven with God, so when the day of judgement and God rides down on a white horse and all of those whom had already passed will be on their white horses as part of Gods army and of course take the souls to heaven and send those who have not believed in God they will perish to a ever after that is not so fun.

So if you sit back and come to realize life is short (way to short) to worry, to panic, to be bummed, to hate, etc... And we all need to look at everydays joys and gifts God gives us. Because it is thru him that I believe and I love all of the little miracles he does for me everyday.

But right now, I am in the numb phase of my grief, and there is truly a process in grieving and you are most certainly welcome to go through that process. Its all in how you handle the grieving is how your life will go.

Look to your here and now and the future, never look back into the past and all the bad memories, just remember all of the good memories and that is what will pull you thru this life on earth.

Love you always and forever Dad and Mom

Keep Smiling


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