Monday, April 27, 2015

The Hill

Good day,

This is a whole new week and like Kermit here states. I will never be over the hill, cause I'm just way to darned tired to climb it...

My health was good over the weekend, didn't get sick much and I was able to stay out of the ER. Although I was in the ER twice last week. This Gastroparesis will be the death of me I just know it.... and that doesn't include the COPD, Allergies, Fibromyalgia, etc...

Have you ever just sat down and asked "Why me?" I know I have, but I'm still waiting on that answer. But to some degree I think I know what that answer is. It is to help pave the way for others to seek help either by being postive or looking to God for help.

Lord knows I have done this many times. It all started when I gave birth to twin babies back in 1993 and I kept asking "Why me" but you know I was truly blessed with the most amazing children and so I had another child in 1995. These 3 have been my whole life and I could never ever image not having them in my life. So even tho we all may have regrets, having my children with my ex is not a mistake or regret at all.... But they are truly a blessing.

As I sit back and look at my past, I have alot of regrets but I have a lot of great memories. Memories that I will cherish for ever.

Take a look at your life and you "Hill" and see where you have come and where you are going. Our outlooks on life change daily. Choices are something we all must make at multiple times in our lives and some turn out good and some not so good. But our children are a true blessing from God.

So about that "Hill", I guess I will keep trying to climb, but I really think (pretty certain) I am on my way down....

Keep Smiling


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