Friday, April 24, 2015

To be Yourself

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” 

In this world today life is a constant change of ups and downs... How do we manuver thru all of these ups and downs is what makes us who we are. How do you think you do it?  I do it with my strong faith for God.

My health is always under examination and I work hard every day to make it through the constant change at every moment. Some moments in my days are good and over moments in my life are not so good. But that's when I look to God for comfort and my husband for the love I need.

Yesterday was a bad day for me, I had to leave work because my hospital excuse said I couldn't return to work until 4/24, I had to go back home (which was nice) but then I didn't have a house key to get in and so I had to use my Microsoft Surface to message my daughter to contact my son or husband to get into the house. Thank God she got ahold of my husband, but then I droped my Surface onto the concrete and broke the screen. Lets just say alot of choice words came out at that time, and I was in a fit of rage.... But the best part is that is is replacable and all I have to do it send it back to the company and they will send me a new one... But my husband was afraid of how I was acting so he begged my son to come stay with me for awile. Yes I was probably at that point Suicidal. Although I had no meds to take to kill myself and I would never want to do that to my kids and my hubby.

Dealing every day with a several chronic illnesses is a very major challenge. I am looking at most certainly a very early medical retirment in the nearest future. Sometimes just getting up and coming to work makes me sick. And I hurt all the time and spend alot of time in the bathroom. (TMI)...

Lets just say I hope and pray that no one I know ever gets Gastroparesis, Fibromyalgia, COPD, and restless leg syndrome. I just seem to be plagued.

I get really tired of people saying "well at least you don't have cancer". Let me tell you at least with cancer you usually know how its all going to end, with what we GPers have we don't know when it will end and it usually never does. We are always sick, vomit almost every single day, doctors get frustrated and families feel so helpless.

So I encourage anyone who knows or has friends and family with Gastroparesis or other illnesses to look it all up, read about it and become very informed to be a back bone for those of us with these health issues...

Until next time, I hope to have a bonfire with my hubby and lay on a blanket by the fire tonight and look at the stars and dream and wish. Because the best things in life are the little things we all need to look at differently, such as music, sunrises, sunsets, flying kites, fur babies, glass of wine, etc etc...

Love and Light...

Keep Smiling


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