Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Rest and Laughter

"Rest and laughter are the most spiritual and subversive acts of all. Laugh, rest, slow down."

How often do you stop, slow down and laugh and rest? I know for myself I didn't do any of these things for many many years. During my first marriage, my 3 kids, full time job, my ex-husbands ownership of his own business, basketball, softball, and on and on and on...

What basically made me stop, slow down and rest was when I got divorced and became extremely ill. That is when your whole life comes to a stop and you look at yourself and think "holy crap" how has this all happened.

I believe that we all run our lives on auto-pilot. We just cruise along and do what we need to do daily to work, take care of families, etc. But we never stop to take care of ourselves until its to late. So
when you finally slow down and rest it is because of a illness or a death of a loved one, etc. So why does it take something tragic in our lives to make us stop in our tracks and say "Whoa"... and realize you have been on auto-pilot your whole life?

Now I sit back and reflect on my life and realize though I do not regret anything that I have done, well not everything, but for the most part my life was good. And if I could do it all over again, I would choose not to, because I have 3 wonderful kids that I wouldn't trade for anything in this whole world.

So on this National Fibromyalgia Day.... stop, slow down, rest and laugh. Because then we take a look at our inner selves and realize we never slow down, rest and laugh and this is the best medicine anyone can do for themselves.

Keep Smiling


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