I don't know about any of you, but achieving true forgiveness is amazing.
Many people come into our lives for a reason and/or a season. These people are meant to help us along our path in this world. Sometimes these people helps us and sometimes they are detrimental to us. But either way they helps us experience many different things in our lives.
I have had several different people come into my life at different times. Three close friends helped me through one of my worst times (my divorce) and without these three friends I don't know where or how I would have made it through. Being that I was a single mother of 3 teenagers. Let me tell you life was extremely hard for me during those years.
We all make choices and sometimes they are good choices and other times they are not. I made a choice back in 2011 to hopefully make myself healthier so I could be around longer for my kids, unfortunately my body decided it didn't like the fact that I had Gastric Bypass and rejected it. And after loosing 160 lbs and being totally sick I had it reversed praying for a better outcome. But however God must have decided he needed me sick for a purpose. A purpose I have not yet figured out. But you know my surgeon who did my gastric bypass surgery one day hugged me in his office and sat there and truly asked me to forgive him because he knew how much this had made my life worse and harder. That was a major experience.
And as I am sure, everyone has stories that has brought true forgiveness into their lives and because of these situations we can all be thank full for those experiences.
I think we all talk about "if we could go back and have a re-do" that we would make so many different choices with our lives. But would you? I know I would really miss the fact of not having my 3 kids if I went back and made different choices. Because my 3 kids are my life and always will be.
So how is true forgiveness a chance for you to say "thanks for the experience"?
I had one specific person in my life and he truly was in my life for a reason. Without him I would not be sitting here today writing this blog. I had hit rock bottom so many different times during the last 6 years of my life and he carried me through almost all of those until he could hand me off to my new husband. And for that I thank him for the experience of really knowing what a true friendship meant.
I attempted to take my life back on June 2nd, and I can now remember my husband screaming my name trying to get me awake. I can barely remember this memory. But it is a memory that will stick in my mind forever.
And now I have to back peddle and work everyday on asking for his forgiveness for what I did. Because I really hurt the people I loved. But you know what "even the strongest people you know in your life - is crying inside and struggles daily with many different demons" but that is exactly why and how they are so strong. Because we work hard to keep these demons from consuming our lives.
So I ask you, have you ever given someone true forgiveness? And if you have did that bring about the thoughts of Thanking them for the experience?
I don't know about you, but I forgive many people, for they do not always know what they do and how they hurt others. So I have chosen to forgive and learn from any of these experiences.
Simply because life is short and "We are not going to get out of here alive!!!"
Keep Smiling
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