"Learn from yesterday; Live for today; Hope for tomorrow!"
I don't about you but I certainly have learned a lot of hard knock lessons not only from yesterday but from my past in general. And I can pretty much assume everyone has some kind of a past and this has brought us in to today and giving us hope for tomorrow.
I'd like to see my today and my hope for tomorrow is to be pain & nausea free. These chronic illnesses that I have are robbing me of my own life and my families lives. So all we can do is take everything one step at a time.
But what is it that you learned from yesterday that is making you live for today and giving you hope for tomorrow? This is a tough question, I know you are sitting there thinking back to all of what happened yesterday and your pondering "did I learn anything from yesterday?"
I know I did, I always seem to be learning something new every day. I choose to look at life differently from others now that I am chronically ill and have experienced many loses. Which all of these life's challenges is giving me a clear picture of today and hope towards tomorrow.
My life has never ever been easy. I wish I could just simpy say I was born, I grew up a great happy kid in the "Cleaver" family and then I married my dream man we had 3 wonderful kids (yep I do have 3 wonderful kids) but horrible pregnancies, then troublesome teens, a transgender son now, a divorce, yes I was once a mistress (trust me I have begged God for my wrong doing), life alone an moving across the state from my children my ailing parents and harboring so much guilt.
Who I am today comes from what I expereinced from my past and even yesterday. All I can do is look towards the future and have hope. Hope that God will show me his plans for me, or that God will give me only what I can handle. (He must think I am a strong woman because God has given me way more trials and tribulations that most people)... So yep, I am a strong woman.
But never underestimate a strong woman. Sometimes on the inside they are screaming and crying wanting to be let out, but the on the outside they walk proud and strong.
So learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow...
Keep Smiling
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